Remote Events not firing in one Iteration of a for loop?

Hello, I have been having a issue, Im making a round system, and I have a for loop in one of the function, the first time the function is called, everything wokrs fine, but the next time, for some reason, the first iteration of the for loop does not call remote events, this is the code:

	for i = StartTime, 0, -1 do -- Countdown Timer - Loop


		status = "Starting In: " .. tostring(i)

This is inside a Server Script by the way. The reason I know its not firing is because i have a pritnt inside the Remote Event which is not firitng on that one iteration, as well as for the code to just not be working. This applies to both of the Remote Events by the way.

You may attempt to delay before the execution of the loop using wait(). If this does not work then there might be a event listener issue. I believe using pcall() might help in handling the errors or debugging.

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Wow! That actually, fixed it! Thank you a lot!

It is truly a pleasure to assist you, and I recommend that you assign this issue as solved in order to avoid confusion for other programmers.