Hey everyone!
I am having issues with returning information from my ProfileService data to the client.
Every time the game starts, a few client local scripts look for a “GetInfo” function in my Save / Data manager to return the information client requires through a remote function
Looks likes this
local playerMoney = rfInfoGetter:InvokeServer("Money")
local function GetInfo(player: Player, category: string)
--yield while we dont have data
while not Profiles[player] do
if category == "Money" then
return Profiles[player].Data.Money
The problem is, this will sometimes return properly, sometimes return nil. And even if I loop in the client until that function returns something, it returns nil forever even after the profile did load.
I have tried:
I have tried:
Looping and firing the function every second
local playerMoney = rfInfoGetter:InvokeServer("Money")
if not playerMoney then
while playerMoney == nil do
playerMoney = rfInfoGetter:InvokeServer("Money")
Using a pcall and trying to fire the function again or return
local function MyFunction( NewPlayerMoney)
local success, error = pcall(function()
playerMoney = NewPlayerMoney or rfInfoGetter:InvokeServer("Money")
if playerMoney >= billboard.Value (This fails)
If error then
NewPlayerMoney = rfInfoGetter:InvokeServer("Money")
myFunction( NewPlayerMoney)
I have also tried delaying the load of this local script only after the server itself fires an event which lets this run
The most concering thing is that this is not stable or repeatable, some times it loads, some times it doesn’t and I have no way to efficiently replicate it. Regardless of how much time I give the server or the client.
Something important to note is that when this happens, all of the players in the server have the same issue but only for the money, not other GetInfo() returns So its not that the profile service failed.
If anyone knows how to solve this or has any ideas it would be really appreciated