I am not sure if this is a bug or if I did something wrong. So I will just assume the latter.
print('working wonderfully up to this point\nnow we invoke the server to get some stuff')
FetchDataRemote:InvokeServer("Worlds", "SinglePlayer")
print('this doesnt print')
So after some debugging, I realize it might just be the fact that the server script didn’t run. Which was not the case.
local FetchDataReferalTable = {
Worlds = {
SinglePlayer = function()
return WorldList:GetTable({})
Multiplayer = function()
return MultiplayerWorldList:GetTable({})
Settings = function(Key)
local Table = Settings:GetTable(DefaultSettings)
return (Key and Table[Key] or Table)
FetchDataRemote.OnServerInvoke = function(_,...)
local Arguments = {...}
return Arguments[2] and FetchDataReferalTable[Arguments[1]][Arguments[2]]() or FetchDataReferalTable[Arguments[1]]()
16:30:25.229 loaded - Server - Main:69
16:30:27.771 working wonderfully up to this point
now we invoke the server to get some stuff - Client - LocalPlayerController:197
16:30:30.273 Infinite yield possible on 'Chat:WaitForChild("ClientChatModules")' - Studio
16:30:30.273 Infinite yield possible on 'ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents")' - Studio
16:30:31.530 Disconnect from ::ffff:|60562 - Studio
Ignore the infinite yields as I destroyed them deliberately.