RemoteEvent Being Weird...Again

By this point I don’t know what’s the problem with me and remote events anymore. Last time I made a post saying two of my remote event (that shows up GUI) only firing once; well, all I needed to do was just to put the same remote event at the end of the script so it will reappear again in intermission. But the problem now is that one remote event is not working somehow, but the other remote event is working, even though those two have the exact same scripts inside of them. Can someone tell me what I have done wrong? If you need more pictures of my script feel free to ask me.

The not working remote event

The working remote event

Are you using WaitForChild() to correctly initialize the events and making sure they exist?

what do you mean by that, I’m kind of stupid so uh you need like a nutshell explanation of what you just said…

oh and i have used these set of remote events at the beginning of the script and it works just fine, but now those remote events are getting used a second time and one of them isn’t working (the ES one), that’s some extra information if you need em.

Why would you listen for the RemoteEvent twice? Can’t you make the button visible on the first time you listen for the remote event call?

because the first time is for detecting whether or not the main menu is over, the second is for when the game ends and intermission starts.

I am confused on what you’re doing, but from what I understand you’re connecting the same remote event multiple times? Without disconnecting the previous instance? and furthermore, you’re not using arguments at all?

	button.Visible = true

	button.Visible = false

Why would you use two separate events to toggle a button when remote events are intended to be used like this?

SS.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(boolean) --true or false value
	button.Visible = boolean --either true or false

--[[From the serverscript]]
SS:FireAllClients(true) --sets the button visible for all

SS:FireAllClients(false) --sets it invisble

Solved but I’d love to hear the source of this claim since I have failed to hear it in all my years.

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i have just done what you have just said for me to do but the problem is still not solved yet. One of the remote event is still not firing unfortunately