I am trying to Fire Fireallclients with a remote event. but it just passes the line without sending it or leaving an error.
Whenever I send the line with command bar it works.
I have checked if the code stops everywhere. but it just works just fine.
here I have a copy of the file with everything removed apart from my layout Repo file.rbxl (14.1 KB)
it doesnt recieve the event if its in a screengui apearently. i am going to test further.
The main issue here I believe is that the event that the server script is waiting on isn’t even fired by the client, so any subsequent code in the event isn’t fired as well.
forgot to remove some lines. uploading the new file. What that line basicly did was Start the timer whenever the user hits start. that counts down whenever it hits 0 it basicly sends if it has won or lost depending if the user has completed the map within the time.
Please invest more effort into your bug reports. This doesn’t adhere to the guidelines at all and your repro wasn’t even tested. This is almost certainly programmer error.
let me add that to the repo. in my script the server waits for a Start Signal. whenever the timer hits 0 it will send results towards every player. I will wait this out see if it works tomorrow. could be an issue created by the New Lua Firmware. in my test file it was working perfectly until now. and when i go back to that testfile it doesnt work there iether
Honestly i have no clue why its working on that repo file and not in my studio file. Could be because maybe there’s something wrong on my studio side. or that the repofile is just a skinned down version
this is how the serverscript works
game.ReplicatedStorage.Start.OnServerEvent:Connect(function() --Gets the start signal from the client
wait(5) – waits 5 second
local Tab = {
Score = math.floor(5),
Exp = math.floor(50),
warn(“SendFrom Serverside”)
game.ReplicatedStorage.Finish:FireAllClients(false,Tab) – send the infomation to the client if he has won. This is the line that is erroing out