I have this RemoteEvent that upon receiving an argument, is meant to send out another separate RemoteEvent that should get picked up by a LocalScript in tools that the player is given (2 tools per player, each with 1 LocalScript that is meant to pick up this RemoteEvent).
Problem is, when testing multiplayer in studio. Sometimes only one tool for each player actually receives the remote,
OR 1 out of 2 tools for ONE of the players is received by the remote,
OR it works and both tools for each player receive the remote (obviously I can’t leave this alone if it works 1/5 or so times)
ServerScript that gets an argument and sends out another RemoteEvent for the tools to pickup:
local crosshair = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("crosshair")
local crosshair2 = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("crosshair2")
crosshair.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, arg, sentPlayer, ID)
local profile = playerData.Profiles[sentPlayer]
if not profile then return end
print(arg, sentPlayer, ID)
if arg == "imageUpdate" then
profile.Data.Settings.Crosshair = ID
crosshair2:FireClient(sentPlayer, "updateCrosshair", sentPlayer, ID)
elseif arg == "imageReset" then
profile.Data.Settings.Crosshair = ""
crosshair2:FireAllClients("Default", sentPlayer)
LocalScript in each tool that is meant to receive the RemoteEvent:
local crosshair2 = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("crosshair2")
local aim = nil
crosshair2.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(arg, sentPlayer, ID)
if sentPlayer.Name ~= player.Name then return end
if arg == "Default" then print("default db ".. sentPlayer.Name)
aim = aimGui:WaitForChild("Aim")
aimGui:WaitForChild("customCrosshair").Visible = false
custom = false
elseif arg == "updateCrosshair" then print("custom db ".. sentPlayer.Name)
aim = aimGui:WaitForChild("customCrosshair")
aimGui:WaitForChild("Aim").Visible = false
aim:WaitForChild("ImageLabel").Image = ID
custom = true
if toolEnabled then
aim.Visible = true