RemoteEvent printing wrong value?

So, I’m trying to parent something to the player via a local script. Since that can break some server-side scripts, I though sending an event to the server would work

This is the code i have for the local script:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

local backpack = player.Backpack

local craftFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.Crafting

local craftedItem = craftFolder:WaitForChild("57")

local CraftPart1 = "Block"
local CraftPart2 = "Sphere"

local CP1 = backpack:WaitForChild(CraftPart1)
local CP2 = backpack:WaitForChild(CraftPart2)

local Crafted = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CraftedItem")

	if backpack:FindFirstChild(CraftPart1) and backpack:FindFirstChild(CraftPart2) then
		Crafted:FireServer(player, craftedItem)

And the Server script:

local Crafted = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CraftedItem")

Crafted.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, craftedItem)
	local item = craftedItem:Clone()
	item.Parent = player.Backpack

However, on activating the event i get this error and these values printed:

15:18:03.051  AL_phaOmega  -  Server - ItemSender:4
  15:18:03.052  AL_phaOmega  -  Server - ItemSender:5
  15:18:03.052  ServerScriptService.ItemSender:7: attempt to index nil with 'Parent'  -  Server - ItemSender:7
  15:18:03.052  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  15:18:03.053  Script 'ServerScriptService.ItemSender', Line 7  -  Studio - ItemSender:7
  15:18:03.053  Stack End  -  Studio

It’s printing my username as the CraftedItem, when it should be “57”

Any help??

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There is no need to pass the player as argument in the LocalScript, that’s done automatically.

It shouldn’t be
Crafted:FireServer(player, craftedItem)
But instead should be
Because roblox automatically assigns a player variable on the server side already.

I still get the issue of the CraftedItem value being the Player’s name, And how would i add the item to the player’s backpack without the value?

Show the code with the changes and make sure the .OnServerEvent event has the player and craftedItem arguments.

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Make sure u did the changes on the localscript at line 22

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

local backpack = player.Backpack

local craftFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.Crafting

local craftedItem = craftFolder:WaitForChild("57")

local CraftPart1 = "Block"
local CraftPart2 = "Sphere"

local CP1 = backpack:WaitForChild(CraftPart1)
local CP2 = backpack:WaitForChild(CraftPart2)

local Crafted = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CraftedItem")

	if backpack:FindFirstChild(CraftPart1) and backpack:FindFirstChild(CraftPart2) then
local Crafted = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CraftedItem")

	local item = craftedItem:Clone()
	item.Parent = player.Backpack -- I dunno how to reference the player now lol
15:30:52.568  AL_phaOmega  -  Server - ItemSender:4
  15:30:52.568  ServerScriptService.ItemSender:6: attempt to index nil with 'Backpack'  -  Server - ItemSender:6
  15:30:52.569  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  15:30:52.569  Script 'ServerScriptService.ItemSender', Line 6  -  Studio - ItemSender:6
  15:30:52.569  Stack End  -  Studio

You still need the player on the server.

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On the server keep the player argument.

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The server script should look like this:

local Crafted = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CraftedItem")

Crafted.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, craftedItem)
	local item = craftedItem:Clone()
	item.Parent = player.Backpack -- I dunno how to reference the player now lol

That fixed it, Gonna play around a bit to make sure that the error doesnt resurface

Glad we could help you with your issue, you should mark their answer as a solution though so everyone knows that your issue has been resolved.

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It shouldn’t happen again, always make sure that when you fire a RemoteEvent on the client, you don’t pass the player argument but when you listen to the RemoteEvent on the server, you always have to reference the player as the first argument.