RemoteEvent script is returning nil when trying to clone

    local getfromgame = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(plr.Name)
    local clone = getfromgame:Clone()
    local cf =, 0.5, -30.56) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(-90), 0)
    clone.Name = plr.Name.."CLONED"
    clone.Parent = plr.PlayerGui.Avatar.PoliceScotlandUniform.ViewportFrame

I can’t figure out why my script is returning nil when I try to name my clone. Any help would be good :).

When I print the name, it’s not nil.

Hey there, the character is unarchivable by default. All you have to do is make
getfromgame.Archivable = true

Oh, I never knew that :laughing:. Thanks for you help