Is it though? If it’s destroyed, I would expect it to stop any transmissions that are in the process. However, I can see how it would be useful for it to finish flushing out whatever queued event fires have been made.
Likewise you can’t fire remoteevents that aren’t destroyed but don’t have parents. It’d be nice to be able to, could slightly thwart exploiters and snoopers.
Just a wild guess, but that would kind of indicate that properties (like Parent change, which Destroys does, I think) are handled first, then RemoteStuff, instead of in the order they got triggered. (or for some reason the RemoteStuff gets sent in a later packet?) (TMYK)
@woot3 The reason I’m destroying it straight after is it is called when i want to ‘destroy’ my admin so the remote event tells the client to cleanup all admin related items.
@Crazyman32 I would expect the actions to occur in the order they were written.
Correct, but remote events are asynchronous, thus it can’t be expected that the recipients receive the event triggers right after you make the call. It doesn’t yield until the clients receive it.
The remote needs to be destroyed server-side too though, I could wait until all clients have received it however I feel this is a bug, hence the bug report.
That’s true but I still feel that if I call the event first the client should receive the event first. We can only wait and see what the admins say.
If you set a property to A, then B, then C, the replication of it will be in that order too. When you call a RemoteEvent/Function in that order, other peers will receive it in that order too. Seems a bit weird that order is pertained everywhere except invoking remotes VS property/destroy