Hey guys! I am currently invoking a Remote Function from the client. Now, obviously, we all know that when you call this, it yields the Lua thread which basically means that code after running this function will not execute until the Remote Function has returned a value from the server.
However, for some reason, even though no value is getting returned, the code after this line is still getting executed. Does anyone have an explanation as to why?
(I tried logging what gets returned from the remote function on the client as it’s just “nil”, which is to be expected considering nothing was returned.)
Could you provide your scripts? Also, ensure your RemoteFunction is in ReplicatedStorage, otherwise it may not run depending on where you’ve stored it.
rep:WaitForChild("BlueMilesTransaction").OnServerInvoke = function(player, name, price)
local GUI = bmTransaction:Clone()
GUI.Parent = player.PlayerGui
local background = GUI.Background
local miles = getBlueMiles(player)
background.Price.Text = "Price: "..price.." BM"
background.Item.Text = name
if miles >= price then
background.BMAfter.Text = "BM After Purchase: "..(tostring(miles - price))
background.BMAfter.TextColor3 , background.BMAfter.Text = Color3.fromRGB(255, 76, 6), "Not enough BM for item."
background.Loading.Visible, background.LoadingLabel.Visible = false, false
background.Price.Visible, background.Item.Visible, background.BMAfter.Visible = true, true, true
background.Confirm.Visible, background.Decline.Visible = false, false
background.Loading.Position = UDim2.new(0.499, 0, 0.749, 0)
background.Loading.Visible = true
miles = getBlueMiles(player)
if miles >= price then
local s, err = pcall(function()
milesDatabase:IncrementAsync(player.UserId.."/Miles", -(price))
if s then
transactionError(player, "Purchase successful!", GUI, "Check")
return true
warn("BH Miles System | Failed to process transaction for "..player.Name.." | "..err)
transactionError(player, "This transaction has failed.", GUI, "Failed")
return false
transactionError(player, "You do not have enough blue miles for this purchase.", GUI, "Failed")
return false
background.Confirm.Visible, background.Decline.Visible = false, false
transactionError(player, "Transaction declined.", GUI, "Failed")
return false
As you can see, it should only be returning a value after the player clicks on one of the buttons, not as soon as it gets invoked.
You shouldn’t handle your UIs on the server side, also I don’t think the server can detect clicks from the client. Why not handle your UI on the client side, including the BM after purchase etc, and then, after you press on your confirm button, you invoke the server, and then do the necessary checks at that point?
Hmm, I already know that I shouldn’t be handling UIs on the server-side, though from my perspective after trying to do it, it just seemed like a better solution to handling transactions. I’ll see what I can do to handle UI interactions on the client-side, and then handle the actual transactions on the server through a Remote Function/Event.
If your biggest concern is exploiters, they can get access to the remote function and invoke it anyway. As long as you are handling the purchase on the server side and checking that they have enough money, exploiters can’t do anything.
You need to setup ui interaction client side as he stated above then send info to the remote function handle it there and return what you need
the reason this returns with nil is because everything in the function is being ran/passed and returning nil
there is nothing in the function to hold/yield it for the return value