RemoteFunction not returning whole array

So I have a RemoteFunction for the client to use to get the player’s current loadout. Everything works fine except for the fact that one index is being sent as nil. Here is the array from the server just before returning the array

  08:10:46.185   {
                    [1] =  {
                       [1] = "",
                       [2] = "",
                       [3] =  {
                          [1] = Black MichAccessory
                    [2] =  {
                       [1] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/GuiImagePlaceholder.png",
                       [2] = "M4A1",
                       [3] = 0
                    [3] = {},
                    [4] = {}
                 }  -  Server - Main:208

As you can see [1][3] has an array inside it but here is the client output

  08:10:46.222   {
                    [1] =  {
                       [1] = "",
                       [2] = "",
                       [3] = {}
                    [2] =  {
                       [1] = "rbxasset://textures/ui/GuiImagePlaceholder.png",
                       [2] = "M4A1",
                       [3] = 0
                    [3] = {},
                    [4] = {}
                 }  -  Client

Here you can see that [1][3] is empty. Does anyone know why this happens?
Here is the server code

game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.GetPlayerCurrentLoadout.OnServerInvoke = function(player)
	local PlayerLoadout = {{}, {}, {}, {}}
	local team
	if player.Team == game.Teams.BluFor then team = "BluFor" else team = "OpFor" end
	local CurrentLoadout = player.Data[team].CurrentLoadout
	if CurrentLoadout.Outfit.Value == 0 then
		local item = game.ServerStorage.GameData.Outfits:FindFirstChild(script.StarterItems[team.."Outfit"].Value)
		PlayerLoadout[1][1] = item.ItemIds.Shirt.ShirtTemplate
		PlayerLoadout[1][2] = item.ItemIds.Pants.PantsTemplate
		local tempArray = {}
		for i, accessory in pairs(item.Accessories:GetChildren()) do
			tempArray[i] = accessory:Clone()
		PlayerLoadout[1][3] = tempArray
		local item = game.ServerStorage.GameData.Outfits:FindFirstChild(PlayerLoadout.Outfit.Value)
		PlayerLoadout[1][1] = item.ItemIds.Shirt.ShirtTemplate
		PlayerLoadout[1][2] = item.ItemIds.Pants.PantsTemplate
		local tempArray = {}
		for i, accessory in pairs(item.Accessories:GetChildren()) do
			tempArray[i] = accessory:Clone()
		PlayerLoadout[1][3] = tempArray
	return PlayerLoadout

And here is the client code

local PlayerCurrentLoadout = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.GetPlayerCurrentLoadout:InvokeServer()
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I think I’ve figured it out. It’s because I was storing the instance in server storage which the client doesn’t have access to. Therefore when I pass through the Instance the client can’t access it and creates an empty array.