The code for the remote works, the client button doesn’t
Hm ok well thought I would point out some improvements anyway they could do just incase. To me it looks like they are unknowing of how to use pcall()
I did use pcall()
for my datastore system, just forgot it existed for this one cause i have been banging my head for days at Roblox
Show me the structure of the remotes in the replicated storage, your gui and whatever else is relevant to the issue. Or just upload the place file to allow me to edit it and I can re-upload it here.
Fixed it. Give me a sec to save and upload. I will edit this post when able to upload.
roblox being roblox.rbxl (481.3 KB)
You wasnt getting the server to create the leaderstats folder and its children. I also removed that redundant while true loop. if you want to add it back then you may but i dont see it as being needed.
The while true loop was there to update the cash label as it was static but imma test rq
no voice to cry suffering
while true loop isn’t adviced, it wont let any other code run, you should put it on another script or change it, also, are you making sure that the script and the client are actually using the same remote function/remote event?
Looks like the client code doesn’t even get executed? If the explorer picture you have shown earlier is correct, then maybe the script context is wrong. Is it a localscript? Or does it have the context set to client
There was a recent roblox change that modifies script behaviour.
Try using RemoteEvent (named GiveCash) instead, here’s code:
Server code:
local function GiveCash(player, amount)
– [The rest of your function remains the same]
Client code:
game.ReplicatedStorage.GiveCash:FireServer(game.Players.LocalPlayer, 20)
if you edited it then its your own fault. for me it worked fine.
i added the while true… if thats the reason then im going to cry
like people before me said. a loop of any kind haults further executions unless your running it in another script. That is the issue. If you read RemoteFunction really doesnt feel like firing - #41 by lamcellari then you’d know.
It is not hard to restructure your code.
Yes - Put the while true do end
in a separate script under the label. Everything works now. Oh my god it took me so long to figure that out
That wasn’t the only issue but this was the last final issue. Just remember to put it inside of an separate script or a the very bottom of the current. You can also just use remote events and fire the client with the updated value and handle it from there on the client that way you wouldn’t need a loop. Also doing while task.wait() do end
is the same as doing while true do task.wait() end
Yes, i will probably play around with remote functions as they return a value next
remote events send data to and from the client and server and remote functions get fired and return data.
Yes - localscript fires the function and updates the label with the data from the server
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