Remove 100 limit on InsertService:GetCollection()

I’m dealing with more than 100 models and there is no other way that I can track what models a user owns.

I use this system for indexing map models sent in by the community for Flood Escape 2, but I think I have over 300 models but because of the 100 model limit I can only index the most recent maps, making it unfair for those who first submitted their maps.

I’ve spent the entire day trying to find a solution of my own using node js, battling between httpservice refusing to work with api.roblox and hosting my own file online to index maps but I came across so many conflicts, broken packages and issues that I’ve pretty much just given up trying to create my own solution.

EDIT: I noticed you can use different Sets in GetCollection(), and I would have probably used Sets containing 100 maps each but then I realised that Sets neglected and can no longer be added to. Literally can’t do anything about this


By 100 maps you mean maps that spawn in your game right? Also have you thought of dividing your game into 3 modes, each that would house 100 maps.

Yeah, in map testing they’re all imported from being a model depending on what the player wants to test.

Dividing the game seems like a really impractical solution and would require a lot of management to ensure that no maps are left out.

I’m thinking of just letting the game add the AssetId to a datastore once proven it can be completed, thus minimising the broken maps available too, wouldn’t require the 100 limit to be lifted (Still feel like this is an odd limit)

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