Remove Allow Copying Setting

Remove the Allow Copylocking feature from the platform.

Honestly… Need I say more? Its 2022 and the Allow Copying setting still exists which makes no sense at all. Would an app on an app store have a single button toggle that allows anyone to download its source code? Would they? No! They wouldn’t.

If you want to open source your game, go post it on github or literally anywhere else that isn’t at risk of being whoopsie toggled by Roblox and resulting in people’s hard work being open-sourced against their will.


While I understand the anger, a failure in policy doesn’t mean you should throw the entire computer from the top of the building.

An entire community uses the allow sharing feature to share models, decals, and so on. Including all the default templates used in studio by Roblox. As a younger developer used this easily accessible, easily importable assets to learn and grow as a developer; to throw it out is simply not the right path forward.

You might not have use for it but many do, why should I be forced to use third party sites, manually download, and import them? There is an entire ecosystem here and asking users to use sites which Roblox doesn’t allow to be advertised (on site) is quite an absurd suggestion to me.

Focus on the actual problem, why this issue passed QA and deployment testing, not removing a feature that has powered Roblox for decades, an entire ecosystem of freely available content. There are problems but focus on dealing with them rather than throwing everything out.


One of my previous games as a result of an AWS exploit was stolen back in 2017 or 2018. This exploit affected many games, not just mine.

The person who stole it uploaded it to a burner account and allowed copying. My game spread like wildfire because of this feature. My game was in the possession of around hundreds, if not thousands of people. All anyone had to do to leak it was link the place ID and boom, you had my game. There are still people to this day who are playing a stolen version of my game.

I know the possibility of this feature being added is near zero. I just wish there were hoops you have to go through before you allowed a place to be copied, like a verified account, or literally anything.