Remove bevel from R6 humanoid limbs?

i thought the category was best suited to this, feel free to correct me
im making a custom character controller (which isn’t going that great, but that’s besides the point). animations arent implemented yet, so you kind of just float around. im not fond of the round edges on the humanoid limbs that are given to it:
(removed shirt and changed color to show)

is anyone aware of a way to just make it square? like this?
(deleted humanoid to show)

edit: i should have mentioned: i want to keep the humanoid intact

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Simply just remove the ‘Humanoid’ from the character, but that will probably mess up some of your stuff.

i should have mentioned i want to keep the humanoid. ill edit the post

@Frqstbite You can insert a BlockMesh or a SpecialMesh (mesh type: Brick) on each of the 5 blocky parts of the character. This way, bevels will be gone!

this removes the clothing. it just shows my bodycolor. using .textureid from a specialmesh doesnt fix it either.

Consider changing the construct of your characters to use resizable MeshPart cubes instead (use StarterCharacter for this) and see if it has any impact. The bevel against the Humanoid’s parts is baked into the engine as part of how they’re rendered, so you can’t remove them without some other solution.

I know this post is like 3 years old but in the chance that someone looks this up or something, yeah. I made a model that removes the bevels that works with clothing and body colors, it just uses character meshes

(meshes weren’t made by me, however i couldn’t find the original model that used them so i made my own)

Here’s the link.


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