Hello my question is simple, how could I remove every element that has any duplicates even with the “first” element of that type?
local function removeDupes(tab)
--Code goes here
local t = {"apple", "apple", "apple", "orange", "banana", "lemon", "tomato", "tomato"}
Output i want to achieve:
As you can see there are no elements named “apple” or “tomato” in the output, because they had duplicates
You could make the function create a new local table and then begind looping and cloning everything inside the asigned table with a in pairs() loop. You gotta check using the table.find() inside the loop to see if the local table has that string already aka table.find its not equal to nil. Then you remove it from the original table. After that, the original table will be empty, and the one inside the function ill be without any duplicates. You could loop around the new created table and clone everything to the original table.
Are all the duplicates grouped together, as shown in your example? There is a significant impact on the efficiency of the implementation depending on the initial structure of the table…
local function removeDupes(tab)
local rep = {}
for index, element in ipairs(tab) do
if table.find(rep, element) ~= nil and tonumber(index) ~= nil then
table.remove(tab, index)
elseif table.find(rep, element) ~= nil then
tab[index] = nil
rep[#rep + 1] = tab[index]
return tab
An alternative approach I would opt for is using a hashset since element lookup will be O(1), and therefore overall time complexity is O(n). table.find implementation will be O(n^2) since find performs a linear search each time.
local function removeDupes(tab)
local set = {}
local finalTab = {}
for _, val in pairs (tab) do
if not set[val] then
set[val] = true
finalTab[#finalTab+1] = val
return finalTab
Oops, my answer was wrong. This would work better.
local function removeDupes(tab)
local set = {}
local finalTab = {}
for _, val in pairs (tab) do
if not set[val] then
set[val] = 1
set[val] = set[val] + 1
for k, v in pairs(set) do
if v == 1 then
finalTab[#finalTab+1] = k
return finalTab
local function removeDupes(tab)
local repElement = {}
local repIndex = {}
for index, element in ipairs(tab) do
if table.find(repElement, element) == nil then
repElement[#repElement + 1] = tab[index]
repIndex[#repIndex + 1] = index
if tonumber(index) == nil then
tab[index] = nil
table.remove(tab, index)
if tonumber(repIndex[table.find(repElement, element)]) == nil then
tab[repIndex[table.find(repElement, element)]] = nil
table.remove(tab, repIndex[table.find(repElement, element)])
table.remove(repIndex, table.find(repElement, element))
table.remove(repElement, table.find(repElement, element))
return tab
Here’s a shorter way to do it if you want. I believe it’s more “optimized” but I may be wrong.
local find = table.find
local insert = table.insert
local function RemoveDuplicates(tbl : {[number] : any})
local hash = {}
local res = {}
local rep = 0/0 -- NaN | Note: This value has to be something other than nil. Otherwise table.find won't work properly.
for i,v in ipairs(tbl) do
tbl[i] = rep
if not (find(tbl, v) or hash[v]) then
insert(res, v)
hash[v] = true
return res
If I just checked the hash then it would remove all the duplicates. However, it would leave 1 remaining. What @DudusJestem wants however is to remove all values that have duplicate of themselves. So because I removed the value from the table already in this line
then it checks if there are duplicates. If there are then it doesn’t add it to the new table. It is then added to the hash table. Then if a value that is duplicate is processed, because the first value was added to the hash table it won’t be added to the new table either.