Remove Shadow lines in a box

How can I remove those dark lines that define/appear in this box, can it be solved with lighting or what? I tried with bloom, Color correction, using different materials and even using light… But I have no clue on how to remove them.

The box is made of 4 walls and a ceiling all of them are parts,

Is it a part? A group of parts? A union? If you could provide some more information about what the box is and it’s properties we could provide better help.

It’s a box of walls, like 4 walls and a roof, all of them are parts.

The only way I think that issue could be fixed would be disabling CastShadow in all the parts. In order to remove it, click on the four parts and disable it, as it is shown in this screenshot.

That’s the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion post processing effect Roblox uses to give more depth to the scene. If you want to remove this, you have to lower your graphics level to level 9.

By recreating the scene you posted, I can confirm that this is the SSAO effect causing this. If you don’t want this appearing then set EditQualityLevel to 18 in Studio. In the Roblox client setting your graphics quality level to 9 will also get rid of SSAO.

Level 10 Graphics

Level 9 Graphics

LMAO it’s just completely orange


I’d honestly say there is no real solution to this issue, as its just the way roblox’s lighting system currently works. The posts offering “solutions” are more so workarounds and not exactly always dependable as you’ll have to constantly switch settings to fit what you need. This will just be unresolved until there is an update to the way lighting works in this situation.


Honestly, there is no real solution to this issue.

One way you could achieve a similar effect is to have an inverted mesh (or use a dome meshpart) and have that act as the sky. You make the color of that mesh orange and then it makes it appear as if there is an orange sky in a certain area. Then you can add invisible blocks to bound them in the same way as it would in that box. That’s probably the only way to do it unless you pester the players to reduce their graphics level.

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Just disable cast shadow in the part or change the lighting.

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It does work!

but guess what?! I wanted to make this for a menu… and now look at how it looks like (Particles)


LMAO bunch of squares

Doesn’t work it still has it. I tried using many things it didn’t work, mate.

And true, I noticed that it only works for the person Deving, but not for the person that will play it. I think it will never show up, until roblox updates it (like you said)

One thing you can try is to make each individual wall super large, and separate them enough to the point that the SSAO effect doesn’t appear, like this:

And you can put the camera in the middle of the… thing…? and still make it look nice.

again… it’s just orange…

The reason why the particles look like squares is because they’re clipping inside of the Parts. This gets smoothed out at higher quality levels but it looks downright awful/weird at lower quality levels.

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Again, you are nailing it, lmao! Gj, and thanks!

(I noticed that I just needed 2 walls)

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