Remove shadow under parts?

Hello, Recently I’ve worked on a building that need a large “part” as roof, but I haven’t planned the large shadow under it and I don’t want it.

I want to know if there is a way to remove the shadow without script or other parts.

Currently I looked the wiki but I haven’t found any informations about it.

If you have ideas , I take.


You can take it off under Lighting however this is effective for the whole of Workspace

Here are different methods:

  • You can disable the property mentioned above.
  • You can enhance ambience, brighten up dark spots on the map.(also brightness and exposure)
  • You can add lighting below, though I don’t think this is what you’re looking for.
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Thanks for your answers it will be useful for me.

The suggestions above - while correct, will affect more things than just the ceiling part - turned off GlobalShadows for instance turns off every shadow, which might not be a wanted side effect.

A solution that only affects the part you care about would be to use a BlockMesh into of a Part:

If you’re worried about things like collisions of the ceiling (since the Part’s actual size would be fairly small), you can put a transparent part where you want to block players in.


You can now do this with the BasePart.CastShadow boolean.