Remove shirts when a tool is equipped

I am making a FPS game, and I find it disturbing when the player’s shirt is identical to the color of the weapon. So what I am trying to do is make so that the player’s shirt is removed or invisible when the tool is equipped and the only local player should be affected by this script. So that any other player sees the local player with the shirts. (Sorry, if i was bad at explaining what I wanted, this is my first forum)

Any help would be appreciated!

local Tool = script.Parent

	local Character = Tool.Parent
	local Shirt = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Shirt")
	if Shirt then

Your explanation was fine, this would be a local script placed inside the tool.

Ok, thank you for the help. I will try it out, and I will get back to you.

Nope, it isn’t working like expected.

Minor typo on my end, I’ve edited the original post.

Working good for now, I will see if there are some errors or something. TYVM! Have a great day anyways!!