Remove string after space?

How would I remove everything from a tring after the space like:

local str = "102938 36"

local newString = something(str)

print(str) -- prints: "102938"
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function something(str)
    return string.split(str, " ")[1]

It prints nil if I try it and even if I just put in 3248 65

Oops, forgot Luau is 1-indexed :pensive:

You might also consider using string.match, with the pattern "[^ ]+", to retrieve the first series of characters unbroken by a space. Otherwise the pattern "%d+" would also work fine, if you always anticipate that the first chunk will all be digits.

Alternatively, you can just do :gsub(" ", "")

local Text = "Hello World !!"
local NoSpaces = string.gsub(Text, " ", "")

--> "HelloWorld!!"

Based on how they worded their post, it seems like they’re only looking for the first chunk of the string before the space.

Yes, thats what I was looking for

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