Remove the ability to write comments on UGC items

After my everyday “window shopping” on the catalog and checking out various items, I constantly see a recurring problem in the comments section in many, if not all items made by UGC creators.
A lot of the times, comments written are just utter nonsense, the “/free” trend, links to scam sites and more. Only a small percentage of comments are ACTUALLY related to the item itself and provide suggestions or helpful advice to the creator of said item, the rest are just completely meaningless whatsoever. There are also times where people write disrespectful or controversial topics towards the item, causing an unnecessary argument that shouldn’t happen in the first place.
Since the comments feature serves little to no purpose, I think its better for them to be removed because most people aren’t willing to write actual opinions dedicated to the item itself.
If you agree or disagree about comments section on the site being completely removed, feel free to leave your thoughts.


It could work like gamepasses, you need to buy it first to comment on the item.

How does that sound?


As @RuizuKun_Dev said, it could work like gamepasses so that players are only able to comment on the item if they’ve bought it.

And there could also be an option for the UGC creators to disable the comments (unless there already is), this wouldn’t really solve the issue but there would be an option to disable comments completely.

Game passes do not have comments anymore and it has never been the case that only game pass owners could comment on them even when they still had comments – did you mean to write something else?

I think he meant that in order to prevent less spams in the comments, people should buy the item to give their full thoughts about it.
Because of this, maybe absurd trends like “/free” wouldn’t be written.


This is an awesome idea, will limit the spam and scam massively if done on UGC items.

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