Remove viewing access of #development-discussion for Visitors

Currently, visitors in the forum are able to view #development-discussion. Because they can view it, they are looking to access it and are searching for easier methods to join the forum.

If the access to #development-discussion discussion is removed for visitors, it would discourage the visitors from becoming members just for the sake of posting there.


but it’s already, you can see a lock icon in the left side of the development discussion category

ig |

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Visitors can view it, not reply to it. I’m asking for removal of viewing access too.

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They will see the same posts once obtaining membership. Ideally they should mute the category by default and make it really hard to access


Yes, but at least they aren’t becoming member just for the sake of accessing #development-discussion

Getting random likes from visitors is pretty much enough, they think that it’s going to speed up the process.