local DSS = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DS = DSS:GetDataStore("CurrencyStore")
local suc,err = pcall(function()
if err then
if success then
It worked on myself, but trying to remove a player from a leaderboard gui isn’t working - I’m so lost (they cheated to get the points)
When I removed the points from myself, and joined the game - I was still on the leaderboard till it refreshed.
script works in terms of removing the data, but on the leaderboard the player is still shown on the leaderboard
when tested on myself, when i removed my data i had to join the game, wait till the leaderboard refreshes and then i was removed from the global leaderboard
If it’s a leaderboard you’re attempting to clean then you should be removing some data from an OrderedDataStore instead of a regular one, as leaderboards typically use the former.
local dss = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ods = dss:GetOrderedDataStore("OrderedDataStore") --replace with name of ordered datastore
ods:RemoveAsync(0) --replace with key
local dss = game:GetService(“DataStoreService”)
local ods = dss:GetOrderedDataStore(“CurrencyStore”) --replace with name of ordered datastore
ods:RemoveAsync(idoftheuser) --replace with key
If you have multiple ordered data stores then you may need to clean them all, you’ll also need to make sure that whatever keys you’re attempting to wipe match the format of the keys which are used to store data.