Removing emotes and adding emotes to the emote wheel

Hello, fellow developers!

I’ve noticed that in Jailbreak the emote “V Pose - Tommy Hilfiger” usually used for noclipping through walls, gets removed from the emote wheel if you have it equipped.

And considering that this was new to me and there not being many posts about this I thought that not many people know how to remove or add emotes to the emote wheel therefore why I am making this post.

Remember that the following scripts are localscripts!

Removing Emotes

  • To remove certain emotes in the emote wheel you can use HumanoidDescription:RemoveEmote(emoteName).


    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local humanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
    local humanoidDescription = humanoid.HumanoidDescription
    humanoidDescription:RemoveEmote("V Pose - Tommy Hilfiger")

Adding Emotes

  • To add emotes your gonna have to make a table containing any name for the emote and the id of the emote that is going to be set as the player’s emotes using humanoidDescription:SetEmotes(table) , then you’ll make another table containing the order of the emotes and use humanoidDescription:SetEquippedEmotes(table2).


     local Players = game:GetService("Players")
     local humanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
     local humanoidDescription = humanoid.HumanoidDescription
     local emoteTable = {
     	["Stadium"] = {3360686498}, -- Catalog emote id
     	["Tilt"] = {3360692915},
     	["Point 1234"] = {3576823880}
     -- Equip emotes in order (Top - Stadium, Top Right - Tilt, Right - Point)
     local setEmotes = {"Stadium", "Tilt", "Point 1234"}

Banned Emotes

  • And you can also make a table of banned emote names and check if the local player has them equipped and remove them.


    local character = script.Parent
    local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
    local humanoidDescription = humanoid.HumanoidDescription
    local bannedEmoteTable = {
    	"V Pose - Tommy Hilfiger",
    	"Floor Rock Freeze - Tommy Hilfiger",
    	"Baby Queen - Bouncy Twirl"
    local equippedEmotes = humanoidDescription:GetEquippedEmotes()
    for _, bEmote in bannedEmoteTable do
    	for _, Emote in equippedEmotes do
    		if Emote.Name == bEmote then
    			print("Removed banned emote:", bEmote)

Incase someone might want the localscripts directly you can get them here.

Video showcasing the scripts above:


This is really helpful for the future dev who were wondering how to do this like me!

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