I’m trying to remove a model that is placed inside a folder on the server and given a player name. So basically, on the client it checks to see if that item is the players. If it isn’t the players, then it deletes it on (on their client) however I get this warning
Something unexpectedly tried to set the parent of Player1 to NULL while trying to set the parent of Player1
local function NewPizza(pizza)
print('New pizza added')
if pizza.Name ~= Player.Name then
print('Not the players')
-- If not players pizza, destroy it
Doing some testing on my own, I didn’t encounter any issues. My testing format is I have a Folder inside Workspace with 4 Parts, all but one having usernames that aren’t mine.
LocalScript inside StarterPlayerScripts:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
for i, item in pairs(workspace.ServerItems:GetChildren()) do
if item.Name ~= player.Name then
And it seemed to work fine for me.
Looking at your error, it seems to be that the “pizza” parameter is being set to the player, for some reason? Maybe check the function that calls NewPizza to see if there’s an issue there.
this function fires when the item is added. Items aren’t there at the start of game
Maybe add a check for nil then? Just a simple
if not pizza then return end
might be enough to make it not fail at the start.
Still get the warning
local function NewPizza(pizza)
-- Check if pizza exists
if not pizza then return end
-- If not players pizza, destroy it
if pizza.Name == Player.Name then return end
If that’s the case, that means that:
A) The pizza exists
B) The pizza’s name is the player’s name
Which is confusing because you’ve stated that the items don’t exist. Not sure how much more I can diagnose beyond this point without seeing more of the script because it seems like one of those checks would have snagged it if that’s the case.