Removing Neon Glow?

Hey everyone!

I am currently working on making Christmas decorations around my upcoming park for my group. I am using the Neon material to make it a little more unique, and the neon keeps glowing, to the point where the whole thing is blurred.

Any solutions?


Duplicate the text, make the duplicate’s material SmoothPlastic then set the original text’s transparency to something more fitting, it will decrease the glow.


Add a BloomEffect to Lighting and decrease its Intensity parameter. This will globally affect all Neon in the place without the need to duplicate parts and all of that. (It may or may not be what you want for that reason.)


Glass material part with a very high transparency in front of the affected area; This elimanates the glow effect.


If you’re using Voxel lighting, turn down brightness value of the color until it stops glowing.


There is a method to sort of create this.

Basically you’ll need to export the text into a 3D modelling program, and edit the vertex colours / illumination / alpha. Keep the vertex colour to (255 / 255 / 255), put the illumination down to (0, 0, 0), and the alpha at 0.

I’m not sure how to do it in Blender, but I know you can do it in 3DS Max.

However it only really works when you set the part colour to under (158, 158, 158). It will end up looking like this;


It also works in the dark too.

And it means you can use normal neon as well.


you can easily accomplish this by reducing the value of the part’s Color3:

do note that this only works with Lighting.Technology set to Voxel


I had the same problem as you. I fixed it by using darker color for neon, in your case grey or dark yellow.


Try lowering the transparency and adding a solid (darker) version of it behind it. This will keep that solid look and lessen the harshness of the glow.


I usually make the part a bit transparent, and also a bit darker white will help.
this is when using the Lagacy version of lighting, I have not really played a lot with voxel neon

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Add a BloomEffect and reduce intensity, it’ll decrease the flow. Hope it helps!

edit: glow*

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@Koroukk Could you update us if you fixed the issue in the end and what technique did you use since this forum is still open


Great question,

My suggestion would be to make a copy of that text with the smooth material, and then place it into the neon text.

After this, you can change the transparency of the neon text to your liking.

Hope this helped!

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Multiple solutions have been given. In future, please remember to use the mark as solution button.