How can you remove the default forcefield but still be invincible for a bit on spawn?
I am making a custom forcefield because I don’t like how the default one looks, but I still want it to work like a regular forcefield.
to remove the default forcefield go into your spawn property’s and set the forcefield duration to 0 and you could make a script in starter Character to stop the player from taking damage I don’t know how to do this correctly but its simple I think
here is how I did it. it works fine but I don’t think it is the correct way to do it put this script in starter Character scripts
local heal = true
if heal == true then
script.Parent.Humanoid.Health = script.Parent.Humanoid.MaxHealth
heal = false
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there is a Visible property on the forcefield which you can turn off or on, which keeps the invincibility but the ff cant be seen
I figured it out, thank you.