Hi, I’m looking to remove the UI from the screen when playing my game in VR.
I can’t work out how to remove the white dot that appears on the screen sometimes, and now the whole new user interface is on the screen but small.
I don’t really know why this happens, I’ve seen people suggesting to call VRService:RecenterUserHeadCFrame ( ) which I already do but the issue still persists.
I also call
game.StarterGui:SetCore("VRLaserPointerMode", 0) game.StarterGui:SetCore("VREnableControllerModels", false)
when the game starts which did get rid of that default laser pointer thing but the rest is still there.
Has anyone dealt with this problem before? I’m finding removing built-in Roblox UI to be the hardest part of VR development
(Notice the mouse, and new top bar is in the centre of the screen)