Users often post tutorials in #resources:community-resources because tutorials are technically resources. The naming of this category is confusing.
In addition, #resources and #resources:community-resources are very similarly named and this causes confusion. The word community really isn’t a distinguishing adjective.
Lastly, #resources does not adequately convey that topics in the category are made by the community and not by Roblox staff.
To further clarify:
Resources = Assets & Tutorials
Assets = Scripts, maps, websites etc.
Tutorials = Guides
Assets ≠ Tutorials
Therefore, I propose the following solution:
Rename “Resources” to “Community Resources”
Rename “Community Resources” to “Community Assets”
I see “assets” interpreted as physical models and such, not necessarily stuff like open source libraries/frameworks/modules in general, so those could probably have their own category, or maybe tag use can be enforced. I personally can’t be bothered to use tags, so I usually don’t, since categories are just glorified tags so if they maybe made a category for those that would probably be good aswell.
What about community insert word here I just forgot? Resources is already covered in the title, and resources is where things like models, plugins, and things that aren’t tutorials fall.