Render Bug [seizure warning]

My co-worker and I are experiencing a bug in studio while building.

Seizure Warning

Does anyone know what’s happening here? I am not in playtest mode, this is just occurring naturally in studio while building.


Have you added any models you havent built personally? Check your more recent ones

If this occurs only in the place you recorded this in, it might be something to do with a model in the workspace.

Try deleting models one by one and undoing the delete if it doesn’t remove the problem. (Or alternatively move the models to another place in the Explorer, like ReplicatedStorage.)

If it occurs in every place that you open in studio, including new and fresh baseplates, try restarting studio, lowering your graphics quality, and/or restarting your device.

check all of your lights in the workspace and make sure none of their color values are less than 0, negative numbers on spotlights and surface lights usually cause stuff like this.

Try to check on “Reflectance” on any parts that might reflect (this includes glass, probably ice but excludes materials like wood)

I have a friend that experiences the same issue constantly on a 6 yr old computer. He told me that it usually fixes if you reinstall roblox and studio.

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Did you use a free model? I remember once having had a maple leaf in the middle of my map due to a pokeball model.

I suggested that but i dont believe this was OP issue.

Same over here: started to happen like a week ago and I almost don’t use free models (probably >1% of my game, and they’re trustworthy). I’ll keep watching this thread to look for a solution.

Thank you for posting!

Looks like a issue with Bloom.

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Bloom doesn’t affect my game that much, so I should just delete it? Is it worthy (as far as I know, it is only an in-studio issue, not an in-game one).

Thank you for sharing!

Then I suggest just not doing anything. Even if it bothers you, if it doesn’t break anything its fine.