RenderFidelity Automatic doesn't change rendering of Unions

Reproduction Steps

Create a union, set its RenderFidelity to Automatic, zoom out 500 studs, and notice that the union is the same quality.

Expected Behavior

The union should decrease in detail the further from the camera it is, just like this option does for MeshParts.

Actual Behavior

The union’s quality remains the same. The ship in this gif has most of its unions set to Automatic, and yet its quality is not reduced when I zoom out, despite the MeshPart trees in the background doing so



I could use MeshParts instead, but sadly UV mapping hulls of ships manually is an insane amount of work and it is much easier to just use unions for what I want to achieve. I’ve also tried setting the ship unions to Precise and back to Automatic, thinking it was just because they are relatively old unions, but it did not fix the issue.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly


I’m able to reproduce this in studio but I thought it was intentional and only changed in playtesting or on the client.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi @vetexgames, Automatic is designed to utilize LOD while maintaining mesh quality. The effectiveness of LOD visualization hinges on the mesh’s quality. If game performance is a concern and you need to activate LOD when the camera is far away, please set RenderFidelity to Performance.

Performance is only an option for MeshParts, not Unions


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