Rendering makes object/characters smooth


I’ve been using blender for about a few months now, but came across this problem I couldn’t solve.

When I render the image, my character gets SMOOOOTTTH.I don’t want the character to be smooth, I want to keep those faces visible.

Any idea how I could fix this?

This is what I wan’t.

This is what I get.

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Are meshes set to auto-smooth?

Have you checked your render settings?

Auto smooth is off and I can’t find anything in the render settings (Couldn’t find anything reason might be that I don’t know what i’m looking for in the render settings lol)

Check the modifiers for the mesh there might be an option to decrease the subdivision surface for the render.

So I’m not too sure on how all the modifiers work. But if I were you I’d select everything, export it then re-import it without the rig system but rather just the body and accessories. Just make sure your position is the final position you want.

(In order to do this shift click on everything except the rigging system. Then file>export then re-import it into a new blender file.)

If your using the paintrigv3 than it automaticly smooths it out in render mode and the devs for the rig made it that it isnt in viewpoint. good luck :slight_smile:

Well that ain’t good.
Thnx for telling.