Help needed with generating triangles.
So recently I’ve wrote a script to parse a .MAP file. For those unfamiliar with this file, it is a readable file that contains vertex’s and entities, these were commonly used in games like Quake. As far as parsing the data goes, it seems to work perfectly. I parse the .MAP and get all of the data needed, such as positions of entities, and geometry vertexes.
Quake’s maps, to my understanding, were rendered using 3 points(A triangle), based off of the Vectors they provided. I took the time to conver the vector’s they had into a working Roblox format seeing as their coordinates are different, and the scaling was too. I managed to load entities into the correct positions and it all looks good there.
Each yellow box is a light source, and each red block is a enemy.
This map I am loading is E1M1 from Quake 1. The positions of everything is accurate, so there is nothing wrong with my positions or scaling.
The issue is when I use the same scaling, and positions to generate triangles, I get some seriously funky results.
Expected result (minus textures):
For generating the Triangles I am using @EgoMoose’s triangle module.
I have tried looking at Quake’s source, but I am unable to find the specific point where rendering occurs of maps, if anyone knows where that is, feel free to lemme know.
The triangle function looks like this (again not mine, egomoose )
function Triangle(a, b, c, parent, wb, wc)
local ab, ac, bc = b - a, c - a, c - b
local abl, acl, bcl = ab.magnitude, ac.magnitude, bc.magnitude
if abl > bcl and abl > acl then
c, a = a, c
elseif acl > bcl and acl > abl then
a, b = b, a
ab, ac, bc = b - a, c - a, c - b
local out = cross(ac, ab).unit
wb = wb or clone(ref)
wc = wc or clone(ref)
local biDir = cross(bc, out).unit
local biLen = abs(dot(ab, biDir))
local norm = bc.magnitude
wb.Size = v3(2, abs(dot(ab, bc))/norm, biLen)
wc.Size = v3(2, biLen, abs(dot(ac, bc))/norm)
bc = -bc.unit
wb.CFrame = fromAxes((a + b)/2, -out, bc, -biDir)
wc.CFrame = fromAxes((a + c)/2, -out, biDir, bc)
wb.Parent = parent
wc.Parent = parent
return wb, wc
An example of the positions I am slapping in look like this:
( 640 320 -16 ) ( 640 320 0 ) ( 640 192 0 )
-- Quakes Vectors, These are in Quakes units, not studs, also the Z is the vertical positioning.
I convert these positions into studs, and then get much more reasonable numbers
( 46.96 -1.17 23.48 ) ( 46.96 0 23.48 ) ( 46.96 0 14.08 )
-- These are full Roblox Vectors that I use for generating triangles, I made Z the Y in the previous
The triangle I generate uses the 3 points above as a Vector3, for each set of Vectors in the .MAP and I get completely wrong positions. My math with this kinda stuff is not super great, and I think that is probably where things are going wrong.
There is not a whole lot of articles on Google about this, but I did find one which gave some guidelines for the points.
-- 1st Point \ Those three points define a plane, so they must not be colinear.
-- 2nd Point > Each plane should only be defined once.
-- 3rd Point / Plane normal is oriented toward the cross product of (P1 - P2) and (P3 -P2)
As I said above, my math is not great with this, so I have no idea if this even works with the function above. Honestly, any help to get a somewhat recognizable map would be appreciated. If you need code snippets of anything let me know.
I have a feeling @Maximum_ADHD might have an idea about this, seeing as he dealt with some of the same thing with his VMF Importer.
Sorry if my explaination was a bit confusing.
TLDR: I need to generate wedges that form a triangle to create geometry from Quake maps, and I am getting funky results that look awful.
Any help would be amazing, thanks.