Render/target is super high, and i'm not sure how to lower it

so my games having some performance issues, and i’m in the process of trying to fix them right now. i know one big issue is that it is cloning a tile full of unions each time, but even if i make it blank it still has high render/target

- 992 MB
- 940 MB

it barely brings it down, and render/target is still half of the memory.

how can i fix this?

To Improve the Performance A bit, you could try

  • to Turn off the Property “CastShadow” On some Objects.

  • Set Meshes to “RenderFidelity = Performance/Automatic” [>This will Lower the Quality of the Mesh!]

  • Set Mesh “CollissionFidelity = Box”

  • Or If you’re using the Lightning Tech “Future” Turn it to something else.

  • If lagging on Blank map, Its probably due to your Effects or Lightning Technology.

I hope some of this stuff helped.

I turned off castshadow, every renderfidelity was already at automatic, collisionfidelity was already box, its on voxel to try to lower it, and i’ll check out the effects right now, im not sure whats causing it

not lighting effects either, ive turned off everything at this point and it’s still 920’s

Well, Have you Screen Effects on your UI?
Like Fast Changing Images or Many Scripts?
If you’re Running to many Scripts or changing pictures to fast, It would cause Massive Lag.

possible, i can mess with the ui a little to check it out

after disabling every single script, its now at 910, almost the exact same as before

If you got a script Changing Images or having an “While true do” - Loop to do it,

while true do 


Don’t get your Wait(Seconds) into the Loop
Better Solution:

while wait() do
--Your Function

i do use this, the only difference is i use task.wait, not wait()

Then It’s Probably the Roblox Standard usage.
I’m sorry But I can’t figure out another thing that could be causing the Lag then.

maybe, just tried it on a baseplate, still getting about 800, must just be something with my roblox i guess.

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