Re:Notify | Simple & Clean Notifications Framework

How is it going? I can’t wait to use it in my game.

So far it’s going fine.

I am waiting for a certain Roblox feature to get out of beta so I can release the new version without any quirks.

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Sounds great! Is there a ETA on it?

Nope, sadly it depends on Roblox themselves to release the feature.

gotta wait til early 2025 for that! :pensive:

Can anyone give me an example piece of code that I can put in the client to notify the player just saying “Sample Text” with a timeout of 7? I’m struggling to get it working.

local Notification = ReNotify( Player , "Sample Text" , {Timeout = 7} );

You can’t use the module for the client-side unless you modify the code.

Oh okay, how would I be able to put it into a server script then that notifies all players?

ReNotify.RemoteEvent:FireAllClients("Sample Text" , {Timeout = 7} );
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That doesn’t work. Am I ment to parse a value through it?