where did I go wrong? the error is below in case it helps
You cannot set the parent of an Instance that has been destroyed.
In terms of options you could either:
A: parent the part to some container (like ReplicatedStorage) so you can reuse it.
B: create a new clone so that you can safely destroy.
B would look like this:
function DayNight.Day()
NewPart = Part:Clone()
Lighting.ClockTime = DayTime
my idea was for the clone to appear in the workspace at night and to be destroyed during the day, the parent of the clone being in ReplicatedStorage. but as you can see, it doesn’t work
If I see and understand it correctly, the solution is pretty simple and stupid
Change workspace
to Workspace
What @D1CEL said was correct, so this module should work for you:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local part = ReplicatedStorage.Part
local partClone = nil
local DayNight = {}
function DayNight.Day()
if partClone and partClone.Parent then partClone:Destroy() end
Lighting.ClockTime = 13
function DayNight.Night()
partClone = part:Clone()
partClone.Position = Vector3.new(4, 3, 4)
partClone.Parent = workspace
Lighting.ClockTime = 0
return DayNight
There’s even a way you can do this that doesn’t require the need to clone the part at all like so:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local part = ReplicatedStorage.Part
local DayNight = {}
function DayNight.Day()
part.Parent = ReplicatedStorage
Lighting.ClockTime = 13
function DayNight.Night()
part.Position = Vector3.new(4, 3, 4)
part.Parent = workspace
Lighting.ClockTime = 0
return DayNight
very helpful, but I have a question, how can I modify the script in such a way that it puts a random part in the workspace?
Sure thing:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local partFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Parts
local part = nil
local DayNight = {}
function DayNight.Day()
if part then
part.Parent = partFolder
part = nil
Lighting.ClockTime = 13
function DayNight.Night()
local partTable = partFolder:GetChildren()
part = partTable[math.random(#partTable)]
part.Position = Vector3.new(4, 3, 4)
part.Parent = workspace
Lighting.ClockTime = 0
return DayNight
Do note that for this version to work properly, you’ll need to place the Parts inside of a Folder named “Parts” which is inside of ReplicatedStorage
explain what is different about the DayNight.Day() function, that is, about everything that happens in that function? that it is done differently than before
We need to store the part that’s currently in workspace in a variable to be able to easily parent it back to ReplicatedStorage. Since I don’t know which function you’ll be activating first (and you might change the order in the future), there’s a chance that the function will try to change the parent of nil which is why I added the if statement as a protection
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