Howdy howdy, I took a break from coding for a while, being made manager at my job IRL took alot of time so I had no choice. Bored of gaming I’m back. Here’s what I’m doing making this post, basically I’m making a puzzle
I have an easy code I can use to scramble the puzzle but it starts off the same every time, which is really boring for me. Considering I’m probably the only person that’ll ever play the game I want to change this. I’m trying to make a true random. I can do the general concept of the commands. But what I’m having trouble with is insuring a spot hasn’t been used, I’m using a simple table to keep track of each position.
I’ve been finding it hard to find good resources regarding Table functions like this. I appreciate the help. Hopefully this is enough info to keep me from getting a warning or something haha. I don’t usually make posts