Replace the "Comments Allowed" button with a "Require player to play game to comment"

(Thread posted in can be found here)

In most cases, comments are disabled for two reasons:

  1. Pure spam, mostly from people who haven’t played the game, owned the item, etc. (ex: POST THIS ON 10 GAMES, post this 5 times to redeem your Robux, Buy my awesome shirt, etc).
  2. Scammers. Click/bait games have them disabled to prevent people from speaking out, as apparent by the comments in the game passes. Invisible shirts have it disabled so they can’t speak out “it works ingame, just not in 3D view”.

I think the behavior should stand for badges though, as some developers prefer to hide comments to prevent “you get this badge by doing this then that”. However, all other paid assets (and models maybe?) could benefit.
Would this solve all the spam? No. Will it solve a lot? Yes, especially for paid access games, as well as game passes.


  • This NEEDS to be done
  • This should be done
  • This shouldn’t be done

0 voters


What’s biased about it? You’ve made a poll to gauge the community’s interest in the feature – you’re part of the community who’d use it. It makes sense for you to vote.

I would suggest that all paid items have this option as opposed to only places, but other than that sure.

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Isn’t it obvious what I would vote for?
I just don’t vote in my own polls.

Oops, poor wording on my part. I will fix it.

I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t implement this alongside the rating system, since it does already require the player to have played the game to rate. Really necessary feature.

I also think that players should be in the game for at least X seconds/minutes so they don’t just hop in and out to comment.

Umm, so you say to replace the button…
Maybe just another button to be able to allow comments even if someone didn’t play the game yet. This would be helpful if a place or even model isn’t released yet and players could give feedback on it.

Not sure I understand, allowing comments from everyone is the default state, this would just allow you to disable comments from those who haven’t played the game.

Anyway, I definitely agree with removing the ability to fully disable comments and replacing it with this. Disabling comments is used to mislead players and silence negative criticism so often that I don’t think it should be allowed at all. Requiring users to play the game first seems like a good compromise for people who are bothered by the generally low quality comments.

this needs to happen, support!

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Oh, well I did not remember what was available. There is an option for disabling and allowing comments, am I right?
So I think there should be option to disable, allow and as in the topic - to require player to play the game first.
I am also unsure if the same options appear in the model configs, but I would prefer the same ones.
Just my opinion :smiley:

What if there was a scammish game created that had bots play the game and then comment nice things, and then other users who knew these “reviews” were obviously fake could not comment for other, younger players to see? As far as I know, most people wouldn’t spend their time playing some scammish game just to comment, and thus a younger audience would be convinced to play.

Not saying this is a bad idea, just maybe it should be refined more? Or maybe my point is negligible. Who knows.

What if you could vote on comments like youtube, and if you get, maybe, thrice the dislikes as likes (with the minimum dislikes being like 5-10 so that comments don’t get moderated for just 1-2 dislikes), then the spam/false comment is removed? And then maybe the top 5 comments with most likes are the first shown or something?


What prevents the creator’s bots from downvoting comments that point out “this game is a scam!” and upvoting each others’ comments of “this game is awesome!” that nobody would otherwise post or upvote?

As for commenting on a game to let people know it’s a scam without needing to play, how would that be an issue? Upvoting/downvoting a game already requires you to play it, and I haven’t seen that be abused. Scam games still get downvoted to oblivion even though they require plays, so a requirement to play the game obviously isn’t stopping people from making it clear that a game is bad.

I would argue that a large dislike/like ratio does not significantly impact the amount of visits the game gets (At least not every place). An app with a 2.0-3.0 out of 5 rating on the app store can still attract attention and even become popular as a 5.0/5 rated game.

I took a quick 30 second scroll through the top games. Take for example this place with a large number of dislikes, but with 842 concurrent players.

The game itself has changed many, many times over the years to attract attention; however, most people do not know this because the comments are disabled. I think the likes are coming from kids who did expected a McDonalds obby, played a McDonalds obby, and left satisfied, but did not know of this place’s actual past. I feel as though if comments were enabled and were refined, this game would not be as popular as it is now.

I will actually say though that the front page is not nearly messy and full of scams as it used to be and it seems that like bar has actually helped; therefore, I don’t think this is something critical that needs to happen. Just maybe some day.

People play that game because

  1. They don’t care about the ratings
  2. They don’t look at the ratings

In either of those cases, regardless of how it gets its ratings, it’s the same story for comments. If someone doesn’t care about the ratings, they won’t care about the comments. If someone doesn’t look at the ratings, they won’t look at the comments.

Entirely fair point. Changing the comments could produce entirely negligible results and people could still play the same games they play, but it might still be worth testing to find out.

In software development, there’s no “let’s implement x to see if it helps”. Features’ usefulness and worth are determined before they’re implemented. If there’s no concrete evidence something will work then it doesn’t get worked on.

Hey I mean as long as they’re working on something I don’t really mind ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I can’t close my comment section because it’s a paid access game, I understand why but it’s being spammed with bots and it seems like Roblox updated the comment spam filter so it’s less restrictive. (I Also saw the post this was based on)

I think we really need a captcha for the comments so bots can’t abuse it or something like this thread suggested.

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