I have 2 different animations in my game to replace the original falling animation. The first one the player moves between straight and flat and should only play when the player starts falling. The second one is a loopable animation which should play during the player falling. The first animation should play after 2 seconds of the player falling and will use the default roblox falling animation for the first 2 seconds.
It might sounds complex but I have no clue at all.
For the sake of simplicity:
robloxFallID: 0001
startFallAnimID: 0002
fallLoopableAnimID: 0003
The animate script is the “Animate” script located in StarterCharacterScripts
The way I would do it, would be to have a custom falling animatoin script, such as
CustomFallAnimation as a local script under the Character
In that script read the Humanoid states, and when you detect the Humanoid state is set to falling, check if after 2 seconds it is still falling, then play your animation.
You can also check if the state changes and is not falling, you can stop the animation.
Just set the animation priority to something higher than the default Roblox animations.