Replacing the default character with a custom character

Completely forgot about that property, thanks!


Does this work with multijointed characters?


Yes, it will replace the default character with whatever you want.


Just bumping this for others to find easier. (Could this also be made public for non-RBXDev members to see?)


@Nightgaladeld thanks for the repost.


Now, this thread was made quite some years ago - regardless…

If we look at this page
We can see that it is now as simple as adding a Model named StarterCharacter into the StarterPlayer service, after which the default character loading is disabled, and your overridden character style applies instead.

StarterCharacterExample.rbxl (17.7 KB)
Here’s an example of a place using StarterCharacter (replaces the default character with an R15 rig without a left arm).
Note that scripts are still made to the rig unless overridden from StarterCharacterScripts.


Since this post was bumped, you should probably mention your method is obsolete and a new method as replaced it.


Hello. The method stated in the wiki can’t be replicated by me. I do not have access to the example. Did roblox change the way we load customize characters?


I don’t think Roblox would change something like this without any notice, besides, the method still works for me. Make sure you put the Humanoid inside the StarterCharacter and named it correctly

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Thank you for answering. Is there a way you can share the rbxl file. It seems like an cannot access it. I am very certain that I have named it StarterCharacter and have a valid Humanoid inside. The problem is I cannot seem to make it work. It is parented to StarterPlayerScripts. There are no scripts in the place. I remember I was able to do this before about a month ago. Now when I am using the same method I cannot replace the default character. I wonder if there are any settings that overwrites it.

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Here’s my StarterCharacter model, it works for me
StarterCharacter.rbxm (12.5 KB)

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Thank you. I realized my mistake. I added the model to StarterPlayerScripts instead of StarterPlayer.

Im using the 2015 version specified above because Im switching out mutliple appearences, but when I try to use tools “after” changing my character, functions like .Equipped do not work. the script does run so I can print stuff but any function included will not run.

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IIRC, R6 characters require a “Right Arm” and a Motor6D joint in the Torso connecting the arm to the torso called “Right Shoulder” for tools to work correctly.


what if I have requireshandle set to false, do I still need those requirements?

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You can test this yourself in Studio with a slingshot tool inserted from the Toolbox by renaming the joint under Torso.

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it looks like that was the problem, my custom characters have been merged with a customized body and didnt have all of those requirements. I did a test by replacing the custom character with a new “dummy” rig and the tool is finally working. I cant believe it took all day to find a solution and the main problem was a few missing parts. thank you.

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Anyone have advice for changing the player’s character to something else under a certain condition?
i.e Player has bought a gamepass granting them a special custom character for in game use that overwrites the default character
i.e 2 Game has character skins that can be purchased and overwrite the player’s character.

This topic could help:

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Oh, that’s nice! :thinking: