Replicate client movement to server

Im working on a pet system and the pets movement is rendered from the client and I tried to render from the server but it is very choppy and not smooth how would i make it smooth so all players can see the pets moving

this is my current script to render them


	for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		if not workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."-Plushies") then continue end
		RenderPlushies:RenderPets(workspace:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."-Plushies"), player, dt, NormalPetHeight)

Honestly, you imo should depend on the server to render pet movement unless you srsly need it to be on the client. But if you don’t really care if it’s choppy in the future than stick with what you got.

Also remoteevents take a lil bit of time so that’s prolly why it’s a bit choppy.

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Did you send the wrong video? Not sure why you deleted it.

yes i did one second I have to re film it my obs fixed the choppy part of it for some reason

(cant see it very well not sure why but it like jitters a ton)

Sorry that this is late, but are you firing a bindableevent? And is the script on the server or client?