Replicated First Isn't Replicating Contained Assets First

We have created an introduction for our game consisting of a local script, a ScreenGui, and a small scene consisting of a few parts and meshes contained within a folder inside ReplicatedFirst. The LocalScript calls ContentProvider:PreloadAsync() for both the ScreenGui and the Folder containing the Parts and MeshParts. However after this is done, the content provider will not prioritise these objects - the map will load in first, and then the assets in ReplicatedFirst will load. Sometimes the player is able to spawn in, jump in a car, and drive away before the assets in replicated first load. Why is this happening?


Hmm, maybe it’s because of this weird property of game content streaming that Roblox has going on.

Roblox just ignores Baseparts and mesh parts within game content streaming for the workspace. Maybe it’s being applied to replicated first as well, really really odd and contrary to the definition in the dev reference API for objects?

ReplicatedFirst is most commonly used to store LocalScript s and other objects that are essential for the game’s start