heyo, i’m working on making my own game framework and for some reason when i playtest my scripts everything in replicated storage (on both client and server) is cleared, causing many of my modules to not load and error.
(if anyone IS curious, this will be open sourced, mainly because other frameworks have lengthy setup processes or are hard to understand for people who just want better organization (i don’t know how to use knit!!!))
i originally put my handler inside of RS except it just couldn’t be required since it got cleared when testing, putting it in scriptservice fixed it, but i don’t want to go further than that. i can’t move any of my modules out of replicated storage because they need to be accessed by both client and server.
ReplicatedStorage sends a copy of everything inside it to every client, so Idk why you would even try to access something inside it from the server unless I’m missing the point. If you want a server-accessible module put it in serverscriptservice or serverstorage or even workspace
replicated storage is called replicated because both the client and server can access it. modules etc inside need to be accessed both by the client and the server, thus why it is in replicated storage.