ReplicatedScriptService what it is for and why it doesn't work

Hi, i have a question
why ReplicatedScriptService is invisible to the Client? and why no local script works

Well, it is disabled at the moment, but you can still add it

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Nobody really knows what it’s actually supposed to do and it doesn’t even replicate and run the scripts anyways so it’s useless.

It’s a container for server and client scripts.

the problem is that the client scripts are not working

You should NEVER EVER use this service. Please read the 1st link I sent.

This service is not even fully implemented and it will never be.

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The service doesn’t even exist on client until you use :GetService() and even then it doesn’t replicate anything.

I’d actually find a lot of purpose for an additional container like this.

My first and most important argument here is that there should be a separate container for running scripts on both the server and client, specifically, ModuleScripts that I use between both data models all the time like extended math libraries or my own wrappers for services like TweenService and CollectionService.

Think of it like this, why would we be running ModuleScripts in a container that is called ReplicatedStorage? That’s like saying we should run Scripts under ServerStorage instead of ServerScriptService.

Secondly, there might be times where you additionally want to run code on both the server and client, I doubt they would create a new service and instantly think it is incredibly useless then abandon it, there was likely some use case(s) that brought this service into existence. It could also just be delayed like how attributes have been delayed for the last year, perhaps they might not even be ready to release it.

It seems like his only argument was that this service might cause new developers to be lazy and misuse the service, but there’s no reason not to use it as long as you separate your server code from your client code. If the developer decides to misuse a service like this, that’s on him/her.

UPDATE: Sadly, it has been scrapped as seen here; so while this could’ve been a nice addition, it’s not recommended to put anything inside of it as at any time you could lose your scripts.


ppl r saying not to use it but im still confused whats it for


I agree with the points you made. I would like to add the fact that it could be useful for rendering. If let’s say, a developer wants to make a MMO RPG based on traveling overseas to various islands, a LocalScript in ReplicatedScriptService could then be used to put islands back into ReplicatedStorage if the Client is too far away from it, and so forth. (Could work if ReplicatedScriptService were able to run code)

My question is why would they not keep the class anyway?

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