I’m making some anime abilities and I’m mostly making the effects and hitbox on the server (I know the hitbox can be exploited that way but im not sure how to do it)
I’m also not sure if the effects should be made on the client, I don’t know how big popular games do it
Anyway I’d like to replicate those effects in the server, I’ve never done something similar in my life
What’s the best way to replicate it on the server?
How would I setup a system for it?
Edit: Should I just send the complete effect object through a remote event?
you can use remoteevents however exploiters can use them to replicate their actions on the server but this can be solved easily if you just “hide” them (also you can detect if someone is spamming remote events)
You cant really “hide” a remoteevent bcuz hackers will still find it, and they can just use task.wait(100) to keep using the remote without spamming it fast.
I think you needed remote event, RemoteEvent can be secure by putting passcode in it
so hackers cant fire it
you needed it to see players your anime abilites.
Check the player range when casting the hitbox to make sure a player is near, also cancel out any spammed remotes and if a player hits 10 people under like 0.1 seconds cancel that out too
no, your wrong exploiters cant see inside the script.
local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent:WaitForChild("NewPlayerStartingEvent")
local RemoteEventPasscode_layer_1 = 56784372334634 --- pascode
Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, Security)
if Security == RemoteEventPasscode_layer_1 then
local Verification = player:WaitForChild("Security"):WaitForChild("NewPlayerVerification")
local PlayerGuiStarter = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PcGui").WelcomeScreen
local PlayerStats = player:WaitForChild("MixedStats")
local Sound = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PcGui").Sound
if Verification.Value == false then
PlayerGuiStarter.Visible = true
PlayerStats.TreeHave.Value += 1
PlayerGuiStarter.Visible = false
Verification.Value = true
print("Verification are true")
-- give player -- requirments ---
else -- exploiters get kicked when acessing remote event ---
player:Kick("Hey "..player.Name.. "Your access are denied by Security, Please do not hack or you might get banned.")
Exactly, no game uses passcode cause they can decompile your game since the passcode needs to be local sided. just run alot of checks thats what all games do