Replicating motor6d transform across all clients

Im writing some code to make the players arm follow the camera.I already have this code that seems like it should be working to me, but when I try to change the transform of a player’s shoulder nothing happens…

Local script in tool

--sends camera cframe to server
game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()--make sure to use stepped instead of render stepped!

Server script in tool

--receives cframe and resends to all clients
events.SendClientInfo.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, cameraCF)
	game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.CharacterReplication.Tool:FireAllClients(player, cameraCF)

Local script in starter character scripts (maybe should be in starter player scripts?)

--moves cframes
replicationEvents.Tool.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(targetPlayer:Player, cameraCF)
	local rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ = cameraCF.Rotation:ToOrientation()
	--if I print rotationX, it prints the right number. So the issue is not with sending the info between scripts

	local rightShoulder:Motor6D = targetPlayer.Character.RightUpperArm.RightShoulder	
	rightShoulder.Transform *= CFrame.Angles(rotationX, 0, 0) --certain the issue is here. It moves (in the wrong way) if I change it to C1 or C0


The code works if I keep it in the original client, but stops working if I try this replication method. The only things I could think that are an issue is maaaybe the second client script being in character scripts when it should be in player scripts (Which I haven’t tried yet I just thought of it) or maybe something to do with workspace.Retargeting? Idk I just heard of it looking for a solution. Other than that Im certain it has to do with the transform property.