I am currently creating a plane game but each player will be in a separate server. I want someone from one server to be able to see a plane from another server. I’ve looked into messaging service but as far as I know this can only be used to see messages from multiple servers and not transfer objects. Does anyone have any ideas on how I may be able to do this?
like is it every single player or just a specific player?
With messagingservice you can send the part’s name and location, (not sure if it can take vector3’s but if it can’t send a table with {X,Y,Z} coordinates) then look for the part and set it to that position
I was thinking of making custom servers with like 20 players and those 20 players would be able to see it
thanks that could work but i’m using roblox physics so wouldn’t sending data to different servers every heartbeat or render cause a lot of lag? I’ll test that out
you shouldn’t be sending it every heartbeat, u should only send it everytime the object is added to workspace or under a specific folder
ok thanks ill test that out and see if it works
wait, wouldn’t only replicating it when its added to the workspace not take into account the changes that happen to it such as when its position changes would it still update or not? srry if this is something obvious ive never used messaging service before.
idk how messaging service works but since i still suck at developing i would rather use datastore but it cant save every 10 seconds or 3