Replicating Procedural Animations Client-Server

Hey guys, I’ve been working on a custom animate script that would help me animate my characters a little bit more naturally. I’m using procedural animations and I’m only changing the joints on the client. Naturally, my solution was to copy all of the local joint CFrames and apply them on the server but it interferes with the lerping and causes jitters. Any feedback would be nice since I’m new to this type of animating.

Here’s an example (and dont mind the mid animation im just testing and tweaking :sweat_smile:)

I was considering passing the values to the server and back to all clients so that only the other clients update but I’m not sure about this method.

Unless it’s absolutely critical where the legs are exactly, you should probably just not replicate and have each client run the procedural animations themselves.


The animations only apply on the clients screen to that clients character only. I’m changing to a footplanting system so the leg’s position is important.

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The problem with replicating animation data to the server and then to other clients, is that it’s very intensive. Also, if the data for footplanting is coming from the client anyways, then you’re not missing out on much security anyways.

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Do you have an alternative way on replicating it then? I’m not particularly sending that much data with my first method since I only passed the Joint CFrames which would cover all animations I apply to the character on the client.

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As @TheCraftNCreator said 0 remote events clients do it themselves.

However this takes advantage of roblox’s default physics replication since .AssemblyLinearVelocity replicates so we use that to power the direction of each local person animation. This might not always be in sync but should be efficient.

Also clients create their own local motor6d to avoid the server overwriting them and creating a jitter.

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Okay from what I see you’re telling me to use constraints based off roblox’s physics? There’s a lot to take in since I’m not that experienced and much when looking through the modules. How exactly would this work with character models?

Could you explain what you mean exactly? :sweat_smile:

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Just to clarify I don’t care about the footplanting I only care about how to replicate an animation to the server. If there’s any other method I should use other than CFraming then please tell me I would really appreciate it. :pray: