Replicating self values to Client

Hello. I’m testing out OOP in Lua for the first time and I’ve gotten stuck on passing object values to the client.

function, minPlayers, instructions)
	local self = setmetatable({}, Challenge)
	self.Name = name
	self.MinPlayers = minPlayers or 1
	self.Instructions = instructions
	return self

This is my constructor method.

function Challenge:ShowTitle(speed)
	speed = speed or 1
	fadeText:FireAllClients(self.Name, speed)

This is a method I wrote to fire to the client. However, self.Name isn’t getting passed through. I had wrote that print statement as a quick test to make sure that self.Name was getting saved as a value, and it’s printing to the output log.

I’m wondering what the fix would be in replicating OOP values to the client.

Check the data type of self.Name and make sure it is supported by remotes first

What about the 2nd parameter, speed? If neither are present then there’s an issue with the remote connection itself. Otherwise, it’s probably because of the data type.