I am trying to do something so incredibly simple. I want to move a player to a vector3 location. I set their HRP, on the server, to the desired location, and everything’s fine on the client. Only issue is that, on the server, they are still where they were pre-teleport. Why is this? When I try to set the position on the client, their character disappears and they get flung.
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ru using you’re using a script or a localscript for this?
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you must use a server script for the teleport to replicate on the server & client
I’m setting player location from the server.
can you show me the script?
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It’s just:
hrp.Position = firstLayer:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #firstLayer:GetChildren())].Position + Vector3.new(0, 5, 0)
It teleports them to a random part inside a folder, from the server.
EDIT: Nvm lol im stupid, I was setting the position and not the CFrame. This is why you don’t script when you’re tired
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Read edit, made a really stupid mistake.
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